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Experience the revolution in skincare with our Strawberry Glycolic Acid Gold Liquid Facial Serum.

This powerful serum combines the exfoliating and rejuvenating properties of glycolic acid with the antioxidant and nourishing benefits of strawberry, providing fresher, more radiant and youthful skin.

Strawberry glycolic acid offers gentle exfoliation that removes dead skin cells, promoting cell renewal and improving skin texture. In addition, it helps fade spots and discolorations, treating acne and stimulating collagen production for firmer and more elastic skin.

Gold Liquid Facial Serum with Strawberry Glycolic Acid

SKU: 29
  • Strawberry serum offers a series of benefits for the skin, thanks to its glycolic acid content and other natural ingredients:

    Gentle exfoliation: The glycolic acid present in strawberry helps eliminate dead skin cells, promoting cell renewal and leaving the skin softer and more radiant.

    Fading spots: Glycolic acid can reduce the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation and discolorations, improving the evenness of skin tone.

    Acne Treatment: The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of glycolic acid can help fight acne and prevent future breakouts.

    Collagen stimulation: Regular use of the serum can stimulate collagen production, improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    Hydration: Despite being an exfoliant, glycolic acid can also help retain moisture in the skin, keeping it hydrated and soft.

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